Lindsay Lohan Robbed in Hollywood
Selasa, 25 Agustus 2009

Maybe diamonds aren’t Lindsay Lohan’s best friend after all. After several high profile diamond jewelry debacles – including a lost purse carrying thousands of dollars in jewels and rumors accusing her of stealing diamond jewelry from a photo shoot - La-Lohan is making diamond jewelry news again.
Maybe her bogus tanning products and lackluster legging line angered the fashion gods, but the papparazi darling found herself yet another victim of a celebrity-targeted break-in a la Paris Hilton and Orlando Bloom.
Her upstanding citizen of a father reported the robbery, telling TMZ that he believed it to be an inside job. Reports state that the alarm system was dismantled and Lohan’s safe was ripped off the wall. Bags, shoes and diamond jewelry were taken, but no word yet on how much the loot is worth.
It seems trouble follows Ms. Lohan wherever she goes these days. With plans already underway to move Lindsay out of her Hollywood Hills home, let’s hope the gods will be satisfied with a simple return to the movie industry where she belongs. Sans diamonds, patterned leggings and the perma-tan.
Judul: Lindsay Lohan Robbed in Hollywood
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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