Tom Binns Gets Real
Jumat, 08 Januari 2010

Jewelry designer, Tom Binns, is having a good run. He's Michelle Obama's go-to guy for big statement pieces and he's been tapped as one of the designers of the upcoming Alice In Wonderland jewelry line to debut when the film opens in the spring.

And while I love to drool over his over-the-top creations (he started his career working for fashion icon, Vivienne Westwood, to give you an idea) there's the small matter of 'price' when it comes to owning a little Binns beauty of your own.
Until now.

I just discovered the Binns 'Get Real' jewelry line set to debut in Paris next month is a response to the troubled economic times that cramp a jewelry hound's style. His solution? Cut out big jewelry from magazines, laminate it, wear it and call 'er good.

Yup. The tongue-in-cheek 'Get Real' collection is made from photographs of rings, necklaces, earrings and watches clipped from glossy magazines that Binns reassembles, laminates and affixes with safety pin closures to add the final touch.

If it seems a little like cheating, think again. I kindof love the idea, and with the Tom Binns name, well, you've got a great conversation piece as well as a collectible statement jewel to throw in the mix.
What do you guys think? Would you buy laminated paper jewelry? Would the Tom Binns name a factor in your decision? Would you make your own? Weigh in!
Judul: Tom Binns Gets Real
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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